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Status New idea
Categories Recruitment
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 11, 2022

On initial application - Validate Applicant Name (E.g. A-Z only; or 30 chars max) [To improve integrations with other systems]

On the new-starter form, the ability to do validation is hugely useful. This means we can easily send data to our other systems knowing the send will work.

As an improvement idea, it would be fantastic if initial forms allowed the same validation.

Our current workaround

  • To ask the candidate for some information twice.

  • Once on the initial application and once on the new-starter form.

  • This has the benefit of when the data is sent from the new-starter form it has had regex validation.

  • The downside is the candidate experience having to retype information.

The benefit of validation on the initial application form

  • The candidate does not need to retype information such that the client gets validated data

  • Other systems that occur before offer (E.g. Fit2Work) will be more reliable if character entry is restricted to standard Australian letters

  • Some systems use '-' as a delimeter. Some candidates use this to hypenate their names. This can cause issues with integrations.

What is the business process you are trying to achieve?

To integrate with other systems such as Fit2Work and HRISs. Fit2Work for example cannot handle the french accented e.

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  • Mark Evans
    Oct 12, 2022

    hmm - you can limit character count (no validation) on most pages of the application form but not the 1st page which is the profile page

    New starter form has some pretty good validation functionality - be nice if it was available elsewhere